LOCKDOWN DIARIES: Blackfriars Benches

Before and after shots of the benches on site. Before photography credit: Nick Adams Photography

Before and after shots of the benches on site. Before photography credit: Nick Adams Photography

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Whilst the priory has been closed during lockdown it has given our team the opportunity to get on site and spruce up the place ready for when we reopen our doors again! 

Ryan, our Team Leader, and Sue, our Duty Manager have been hard at work doing odd jobs around the priory, including getting creative with our benches which were in need of a fresh coat of paint. We opted for a lovely pastel blue to make the benches in our garden pop against the exterior walls of the cloister buildings.  

We can’t wait for you all to see and enjoy these wonderful changes on site when we reopen and emerge from lockdown new and improved!

Blackfriars Priory