Latest COVID-19 Wedding Guidance

Photography: Melanie Chitty Photography

Photography: Melanie Chitty Photography

From 4 July 2020, lockdown measures in England are being reduced further, meaning weddings and civil partnerships will now be allowed to take place.

Weddings are going to be a little different than we remember them to ensure that they are safe and follow social distancing guidelines.

What does the guidance say?

Venues can only reopen if they are able to do so safely, and ceremonies are only permitted to take place in COVID-19 secure environments.

Ceremonies are to be kept as short as possible and limited only to the parts that are required for the ceremony to be legally binding.

Ceremonies are limited to a maximum of 30 people. This number includes everyone involved in the ceremony, including the couple, witnesses, officiants, guests and suppliers such as photographers and caterers.

If any individual involved in the ceremony or members of their household have symptoms of COVID-19, they should not attend. If either member of the couple have symptoms, the ceremony should not go ahead.

Social distancing guidelines will apply, where everyone should follow the 2m rule where possible or 1m with extra precautions if a 2m distance is not viable. This is likely to rule out the tradition of a father walking his daughter down the aisle, unless they live in the same household.

No food or drink is allowed to be consumed as part of the event other than the purpose of solemnisation.

When exchanging rings, hands should be washed before and after. The rings should be handled by as few people as possible.

Speaking, singing and shouting at a volume that means people have to raise their voice is not permitted. When singing or chanting is required, only one person is allowed to do so. Instead of singing, recordings are suggested.

Ceremonies should avoid the use of instruments that are blown into. Other instruments such as organs can be used, but should be cleaned thoroughly before and after use.

Wedding receptions and celebrations are strongly advised against, but small celebrations can take place if they follow social distancing guidelines. This includes groups of up to two households indoors or up to six people from different households outdoors.

Where can I find out more?

The full Government guidance can be found here. This guidance remains under review and may be updated in line with the changing situation prior to going into affect on 4 July 2020.

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